It’s true.
Russian photographer Alexey Kljatov created a home-made rig to capture sensational pictures of snowflakes!
I’m a believer in an individual’s ability to marry their own curiosity and exploration of the world around them with what it is they know best to inspire amazing. It happens subconsciously and is a trait developed at an early age. You learn how to learn.
Like snowflakes, each individual person is unique. How you learn and subsequently, how to teach yourself new things are based on the foundations and science you know to be true. These are also unique to each individual. This metacognition is guided by knowing:
- yourself
- your capacity to learn
- the process used in the past
- your interest in, and knowledge of, the subject you wish to learn
Individuals who are multi-talented, speak many languages and boast an extensive list of exceptional hobbies have successfully mastered learning how to learn.
Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.
TED Talks hosts an entire theme on “How We Learn” with different teachers who share how to open your mind and spark learning.
For Alexey, an amateur photographer, he used his understanding of macro photography, the conditions he knew for snowflakes to exist, and inspired amazing photos normally inaccessible without expensive equipment. (He also really, really likes Snowflakes)
Visit Alexey’s blog for additional pictures and the rig he built.
Holy Macro!
Designer Anthony Herrera would be an interesting opposition to Edward Scisscorhands with his latest creation. Anthony is a self-declared “Creative, Postmodern Male,” and he just released his latest batch of mind-blowing and cut-to-perfection paper snowflakes just as he does every year. However, Yoda, C3PO, Han Solo and Darth Vader are this year’s unique paper holiday snowflake creations.
Original Post with PDF Cutout Collection
Amrit – I really enjoyed reading this particular article and will be pulling it up next week to share with my students as we TRY our hand at making snowflakes.
Mrs. Avery
Your Elementary Art Teacher